The test curve is a unit of measurement to describe the strength of a fishing rod. Measured in lb weight, the test curve of a rod denominates how much weight is needed to bend the tip of the rod round to 90 degrees of the butt of the rod.
Whilst this gives a measure of the rods stiffness, it does not take into account the action of the rod – see separate guide – so it’s important to remember that despite what you may hear, the test curve is not the be all and end all when it comes to choosing the right carp rod to suit your fishing.
Generally speaking, most carp rods will range from 2lb test curve up to 3.5lb test curve, and whilst the action of the rod will have an effect on the way it works and feels, the greater the test curve, the stiffer the rod becomes.
Smaller test curve rods from 2lb – 2.5lb test curve are more suited to short and medium distance carp fishing with leads to around 2.5/3oz, and for putting out small bags and stringers to medium distance, whereas those over 3lb test curve are more suited to distance work.
The general trend is for greater and greater test curves, but such rods can often reduce the feel overall and would not be classed as playing rods, simply tools to allow ever greater distances to be attained on the cast.
At the other end of the scale, margin or stalking rods will usually have a test curve of between 1.75lb and 2lb, which allows for some great sport at close quarters with fish hooked close to the bank.